Html5 And Javascript Projects Pdf Download

This page lists over 100 JavaScript projects for beginners! There are no frameworks and each completed project includes the description, my summary, and the source files to download. We've compiled the list with over 100 JavaScript projects for beginners because the key to becoming a great JavaScript Developer is to practice, practice, practice. You know this, and I know this.

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100 Days of Code challenges you to code for 100 days. Wouldn't it be nice if you actually built a new JavaScript project each day? It's very difficult to find a comprehensive list of JavaScript projects for beginners on the internet.

So, how do you, as a beginner to intermediate JavaScript developer begin to find projects for #100DaysofCode to consistently code for 100 days? Where do you get your motivation to make your own JavaScript projects?

It's a tough decision.

I know.

This is why I created this site with over 100 JavaScript projects for beginners! I wanted you to no longer have to endlessly surf the internet to find 100 projects in 100 different locations that you could do as a JavaScript beginner!

This list is composed of over 100 recommended JavaScript projects for beginners and intermediate JavaScript developers alike! In other words, now you have no more excuses! You're going to do better because you are determined to be the best JavaScript developer in your field. And because you've come across this page looking for JavaScript projects for beginners, boy do I have a list of JavaScript projects for you!

You'll find more than 100 small to medium sized JavaScript projects that I challenge you to build BEFORE you jump to learning a new Framework such as React, Angular, or Vue. And you should definitely do each and every one of the projects on this list of JavaScript projects for beginners before moving on to client-side scripting with Node.js.

List of 100+ JavaScript Projects for Beginners

Follow the link to read the project's objective, see it in action, and to download the source files. If no link, I haven't completed it yet. But you can get all the projects and the video solutions from the recommended courses below this list on this page .

Land a six figure salary as a software engineer!

Get immediate digital access to an eBook of all 100 JavaScript Projects.

Buy it for only $10 today and begin building a portfolio that'll get future employers excited!

1. Change Background Color Project

change background color project
Change the Background Color Project

2. Hex Change Background Color Project

hex change background color javascript project
Change the Background Color HEXT Project

3. Random Quotes Project

random quote javascript project
Quote Generator Project

4. Pass the Message Project

pass the message javascript project
Local Pass the Message Project

5. Counter Project

counter javascript project
Simple Counter Project

6. Background Image Slider Project

image slider javascript project
Array Image Slider Project

7. Testimonials Project

testimonials javascript project
Array Testimonials Project using Objects

8. Filter Project

Array Filters Project
Array Filters Project

9. Modal Project

Popup Modal Project

10. Calculator Project

calculator javascript project
Calculator Project

11. Tip Form Project

Tip Form JavaScript Project
Tip Form Project

12. To Do List Project

todo list javascript project
Todo List Project

13. Grocery Cart Project

eCommerce Cart Project
eCommerce Cart Project

14. Grocery List Project

Grocery List JavaScript Project
Grocery List Project #1

14b. Grocery List Project #2 (Intermediate)

 grocery todo list project
Grocery List Project #2

15. Course Form Project (Intermediate/OOP Project)

JavaScript Course Form Project
JavaScript Course Form Project

16. Flashcard Project (Intermediate/OOP project)

JavaScript OOP Flashcard Project
JavaScript OOP Flashcard Project

17. Budget Application Project

JavaScript OOP Budget App
JavaScript OOP Budget App

18. Coffee Shop Project

19. Car Dealership Project

20. Random Joke AJAX Project

JavaScript AJAX Project - Random Joke
JavaScript AJAX Project – Random Joke

21. Random Person AJAX Project

javascript random user api project
JavaScript Random User API Project

22. HTTP Methods Project

23. Wikipedia Search Project

24. Weather Data Project

25. Github Project

26. Zomato Restaurant Project

27. Comfy House Project

28. Analogue Clock Project

Analogue Clock JavaScript Project
Analogue Clock Project

29. Mortgage Loan Calculator Project

mortgage loan javascript project
Mortgage Loan Calculator Project

30. Quote of the day Project

quotes generator javascript project pic
Quote of the Day Project

31. BMI Calculator Project

javascript bmi calculator project
BMI Calculator Project

32. Weight Conversion Project

javascript pound to kilogram calculator
Weight Converter Project

33. Background Color Switcher Project

JavaScript Background Color Switcher
Color Scheme Background Changer Project

34. 2D Breakout Game Project (Intermediate)

JavaScript 2D Brick Breaker Game
2D Breakcout Game Project

35. Digital Calculator Project

basic javascript calculator
Digital Calculator Project

36. Digital Clock Project

javascript digital clock
Digital Clock Project

37. Event Countdown Timer Project

javascript countdown timer
JavaScript Countdown Timer

38. Tip Calculator Project

JavaScript Tip Percentage Calculator
JavaScript Tip Percentage Calculator

39. Word Count Tool Project

javascript word length calculator
Word Length Calculator Project

40. Contact Form Project (using local storage)

contact form local storage
javascript contact form local storage project

41. Day of Week App Project

javascript day of week project
javascript day of week project

42. Background Color Changer Project

javascript color change app
javascript color change app

43. Image Slider Project

JavaScript Image Slider

44. Addition Game Project

math addition app project
math addition app project

45. Todo List Project

todolist project bluelime
JavaScript todolist project

46. Interactive Quiz Project

javascript quiz project

47. Countdown Timer Project

javascript countdown timer
JavaScript Countdown Timer

48. Balloon Popping Game Project

javascript balloon popping project
JavaScript Balloon Popping Project

49. RSS News Feed Project

javascript feed reader project
JavaScript Feedreader Project

Land a six figure salary as a software engineer!

Get immediate digital access to an eBook of all 100 JavaScript Projects.

Buy it for only $10 today and begin building a portfolio that'll get future employers excited!

50. Number Guessing Game Project (Intermediate)

JavaScript Number Guessing Game
JavaScript Number Guessing Game Project

51. Light Switch Effect Project

JavaScript Light Switch Project
JavaScript Light Switch Project

52. Greeting Message Project

JavaScript Greeting Message Project
JavaScript Greeting Message Project

53. Height Conversion Project

JavaScript Height Conversion Tool
JavaScript Height Conversion Tool

54. Wack A Mole Game Project (Intermediate)

Whack a Mole Game Project

55. Notes App Project (Intermediate)

JavaScript Notes App Project
JavaScript Notes App Project

56. Todo App Project (Intermediate)

Mead's JavaScript Todo Project
Mead's JavaScript Todo Project

57. Hangman App Project (Intermediate)

JavaScript Hangman AJAX App
JavaScript Hangman AJAX App

58. Recipe App Project (Intermediate)

recipe app javascript project
Receipe App Project

59. Tip Calculator Project

JavaScript Tip Calculator Project
JavaScript Tip Calculator Project

60. Welcome Messages Project

JavaScript Welcome Message Project
JavaScript Welcome Message Project

61. Dynamically Changing Message Project

JavaScript Dynamic Message Project
JavaScript Dynamic Message Project

62. Coin Toss Application Project (Intermediate)

JavaScript Coin Toss Game
JavaScript Coin Toss Game

63. Rock Paper Scissors JavaScript Project

rock paper scissors javascript game
JavaScript Rock Paper Scissors Game

64. Ultimate Dice Game JavaScript Project

65. Play Audio Files and Sounds JavaScript Project

66. JavaScript Dynamic Typing Test Project

67. Functionator Function Practice JavaScript Project

68. Magic Eight Ball JavaScript Project

69. Combination Guesser Game JavaScript Project

70. Word Scramble JavaScript Project

71. Countdown Timer JavaScript Project

72. Pattern Matching Game JavaScript Project

73. Click Popper Game JavaScript Project

74. High Low Card Game Project

75. Click Shape Game Project

Circle Click JavaScript Game
Circle Click JavaScript Game

76. Word Finding Game Project

77. JavaScript Car Game Project

78. Input Field Character Counter Project

79. Element Scrolling Content Code Snippet Project

80. Fun with The Document Object Model Project

81. Just JavaScript Click Counter Project

82. Image Popup Window Project

83. JavaScript Word Guessing Hangman Game Project

84. JavaScript Modal Popup Example Project

85. Image Carousel JavaScript Animated Slideshow Application Project

86. Star Rating Project

87. Plane Bomber Game JavaScript Project

88. JavaScript Accordion Component Project

89. Chaser Box Game Project

90. Tool tip Project

91. Email Exacter Application Project

92. Popup Message JavaScript Project

93. Clipboard – Copy and Move Project

94. Pure JavaScript Calculator Project

95. Editable Shopping List Project

96. Placeholder Image Path Generator Project

97. Catch Element Game Project

98. Element Mouse and Click Events Project

99. Create Form Validation Project

100. Cookie Get Set Tester Project

101. DOM Interaction Application Project

102. Google Sheet Data to CSV Exporter Project

103. Flying Bird Game Project

104. Number Guessing Game Project

105. Element Catcher Game Project

106. Alien Invader Game Project

107. Card War Game Project

108. YouTube API Connection Project

109. Brick Breaker Paddle Ball Game

110. Drum Kit Project

drum kit javascript project
Drug Kit Project

111. CSS + JavaScript Clock

CSS + JavaScript Analogue Clock Project
Analogue CSS Clock Project

112. Playing with CSS Variables and JS


113. Array Cardio Day 1

114. Flex Panels Image Gallary

115. Ajax Type Ahead

116. Array Cardio Day 2

117. Fun with HTML5 Canvas

118. 14 Must Know Dev Tools Tricks

119. Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes

120. Custom HTML5 Video Player Project

121. Key Sequence Detection (KONAMI CODE)

122. Slide in on Scroll Project

123. Objects and Arrays – Reference Vs Copy

124. LocalStorage and Event Delegation

125. CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect

126. Sorting Band Names without articles

127. Tally String Times with Reduce

128. Unreal Webcam Fun

129. Native Speech Recognition Project

130. Geolocation based Speedometer and Compass Project

131. Follow Along Links

132. Speech Synthesis Project

133. Sticky Nav Project

134. Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once Project

135. Stripe Follow Along Dropdown Navigation Project

136. Click and Drag to Scroll

137. Experimental Video Speed Controller UI Project

138. Countdown Clock Project

139. Wack-a-Mole Game Project

Your Challenge, Should You Accept it

Simply stated, I challenge you to follow me on a quest to complete at least 100 of these front-end JavaScript projects for beginners, projects that mostly use plain old vanilla JavaScript.

Prove to yourself that you're ready to move on to learning a Framework.

Prove to yourself that you are ready to move on to server-side scripting.

If you think you have nothing to prove, just go ahead and pick a few of these projects to see if you can complete them without help.

6 Reasons to complete these 100+ JavaScript projects

1. You'll Gain Lots of Experience

javascript projects for beginners | experience meme
So…you're telling me I have to get experience before I get experience?

Many fellow developers ask, "Am I good enough?"

"Have I done enough projects?"

"Do I really know JavaScript?"

Well, after doing each of the 100+ JavaScript projects for beginners by yourself, you shouldn't have to worry about any of these questions. You'll certainly be better than many of your peers when coding JavaScript.

2. You'll Gain a Strong Sense of Achievement

After you've completed at least 100 projects on this list of JavaScript projects for beginners, you can say without a doubt that you've built at least 100 small to medium sized, working applications.

Technical recruiters will love to hear this when they are looking to fill junior to mid-level JavaScript Developer roles.

3. You'll See Many Different JavaScript Implementations

Completing at least 100 projects allows you to slow down, which further allows you to see different JavaScript techniques.

4. You'll Build a Portfolio of JavaScript Applications for Recruiters and Future Employers

If you want to become an expert JavaScript Developer, you've got do more than just say you're a JavaScript developer.

You have to show you're a JavaScript Developer.

Having a portfolio of JavaScript projects that you put together carries much more weight than your word.

5. You'll be an Expert Front-End JavaScript Developer

After completing at least 100 of these different JavaScript projects for beginners, you'll undoubtedly be a better developer. You'll find that the implementations that used to take you hours to remember now takes you only a few minutes.

 javascript projects for beginners - honest programming
When you write 10 lines of code without searching on Google | It ain't much, but it's honest work!

You'll use many different JavaScript patterns and begin to see how different implementations can speed up your coding. Let's minimize your Stack Overflow searching every three lines of code and get you more productive!

6. People Will Think You're Cool!

Let's face it, not everyone will follow through with this challenge. Because of that, you'll be a rare exception, able to distinguish yourself from the masses. If you can code these JavaScript projects for beginners, and are able to show them off, fellow coders will be super impressed at your dedication to your craft!

How to Complete the JavaScript Projects for Beginners Challenge

Completing the 100 JavaScript Project for Beginners Challenge is Simple (But not easy)

  1. Follow the link to one of the projects above.
  2. Read the description and follow the link on the project's page to see how it functions (If the link is not available yet, it means I haven't yet completed the project. But no worries. You can simply go to the course where I found the project).
  3. For the projects I've completed, download or clone my repository from GitHub.
  4. Delete the contents of the app.js file (or any other relevant js files) and then try to code out the JavaScript functionality for yourself.
  5. Once you complete the app, share it in the comments on the JavaScript project page on this blog so everyone can acknowledge your accomplishment! That's it!

How Long Should it take you to Complete these 100+ JavaScript Projects?

The time it takes to complete all the projects will vary based on your JavaScript skills and your schedule.

If you're a true beginner, I recommend you start with The Modern JavaScript course before beginning here.

Andrew's course alone is over 29 hours! Which means it'll likely take you a total of 60 hours just to get through his course. But once you complete his course, you can return here.

Then, you'll need about an hour to several hours per each JavaScript project above.

Some projects are simple JavaScript projects for beginners and will take about 10 minutes and others can take up to an entire weekend!

But don't fear, even if it takes you six months to get through all of these projects, this is only a small period of your life relative to the time you'll spend for the rest of your life as a full-time JavaScript developer.

What if you get stuck on any of these JavaScript Projects?

javascript projects for beginners | My code doesn't work
My code doesn't work | Let's change nothing and run it again

The first thing you should do is go to my source code on github and see how I completed the project.

If you still need to see some sort of video solution, follow the link to the course, sign up (which will give you access to all the instructor's projects), and then watch the instructor's video solution.

Luckily, I found most of the courses on Udemy, a low-cost online course platform, or on other free platforms.

Udemy is known to have many of their courses at great discounts, especially during United States' holiday weekends.

Which JavaScript Projects Should Your Start With?

If you already know a bit of JavaScript but want to learn more, and you want to have a better grasp into how to put all its pieces together, I'd strongly encourage you to begin with Andrew Mead's, The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp.

In it, you'll not only cover pretty much everything you need to know about JavaScript (including the new ES6 features), but you'll get to build 3 great JavaScript apps in the process. His course is completely project based! And as a capstone, he challenges you to build your own recipe app just like this JavaScript Recipe App Project!

The reason why I strong recommend Andrew's course is he's the only JavaScript instructor I've come across that consistently points out where to find a specific feature of JavaScript using the MDN JavaScript documentation.

This in and of itself is helpful, especially when you need to constantly remind yourself how different features and methods of the language works.Additionally, he provides a great reference guide that explains everything he teaches in his course.

JavaScript Projects 1 – 18

If, on the other hand, you think you're ready to start the 100+ JavaScript Projects for Beginners Challenge right away, then the following is the list of JavaScript projects for beginners that I suggest you complete.

javascript projects for beginners | john smigla's javascript projects course
John Smigla's JavaScript Projects Course

The first JavaScript Beginner Projects above comes from John Smigla's, Javascript Tutorial and Projects Course. For the most part, I watched his intro and then built the JavaScript projects out myself. If I didn't think I could do it, I'd first watch his video and then build out the project without following along. I highly recommend you do the same for all of the projects!

The first 18 JavaScript projects above focuses only on coding the JavaScript functionality for front-end projects. In other words, the HTML and CSS assets are given to you in a starter file but you'd have to build the app.js file. Consider these 'warm up' projects.

Tackling these small projects is similar to what you'd do if you were on a front-end development team with a web designer and a JavaScript Developer. In this case, you'd be the JavaScript Developer. The Web Designer would give you the HTML and CSS assets but you'd have to code in the JavaScript functionality to make the application work.

These projects cover a lot of core JavaScript. You'll work with arrays, constructors, event listeners, object methods, immediately invoked function expressions, conditionals, and more!

Projects 15, 16, and 17 focuses heavily on JavaScript Object projects. You'll build a course form, a flashcard system, and a budget application. Then, in project 18 you'll build out the full HTML, CSS, and JavaScript functionality of a coffee shop website.

Next, in project 19, you'll build out the full functionality of a car dealership website using features of the JavaScript language that were introduced in ES6.

Projects 20, 21, and 22 allows you freshen up your AJAX skills with Asynchronous JavaScript XML projects.

Then, the next projects, 23 -27 are more fully functioning front-end websites.

Consider these your 'capstone JavaScript Projects.' Once you complete them, you can move on to the next projects.

JavaScript Projects 28 -54

Once you complete the first 27 projects, you can move on to the 27 different beginner JavaScript projects that I found in Bluelime's JavaScript Beginner Projects course.

Most of these will be pretty simple JavaScript projects if you've finished the first 27 JavaScript projects. So, simply see how the project functions, download the source HTML and CSS files and then code up the JavaScript functionality.

JavaScript Projects 55 -58

Having completed John and Bluelime's beginner JavaScript projects, you should be well equipped to complete Andrew Mead's four projects from his The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp Course, if you haven't done them already.

You should be able to breeze through each in a few hours since they use features that you've seen time and time again in the previous 54 beginner JavaScript projects.

JavaScript Projects 59 – 109

sveki's javascript projects course
Laurence Sveki's Monster JavaScript Project's course

The next 50+ JavaScript projects comes from Laurence Svekis' Monster JavaScript Course.

Svekis put together many of his small but super fun JavaScript projects from his other courses into one large 'monster' course.

With these projects, you'll not only get to see more cool projects but if you sign up for his course, you'll also get to see how another JavaScript instructor creates JavaScript applications and projects. These projects are super fun!

Build! Build! Build!

JavaScript Projects 110 – 139

javascript projects for beginners | wes bos javascript30 projects course
Wes Bos' JavaScript 30 Projects Course

And if the previous beginner projects are not enough, projects 110-139 above come from Wes Bos's JavaScript30 course.

JavaScript30 is a mix of JavaScript instructions and projects, so despite the name, not all of the 30 videos in his series are projects. But, he does teach some cool stuff that you may have not learned.

Over 100 different JavaScript Projects for #100Days of Code!

There you have it! Over 100 different JavaScript projects for beginners and even a few for intermediate JavaScript developers.

Do at least 100 of them BEFORE moving on to learning a Framework!

Happy Coding!

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Buy it for only $10 today and begin building a portfolio that'll get future employers excited!

Have any other great JavaScript project suggestions? Drop a comment below!


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